The very first photo session I did was at a co worker’s home. I wanted to try photographing another family just for fun. I photographed them playing games, playing with toys, in moments of quiet and in moments of togetherness.
I moved on to other families and eventually to other types of photography like events and high school seniors and newborns. I love all of it! But I think my favorite type of photography is the at home, family storytelling type.

We are our most authentic selves at home. And those moments right now, the ordinary ones that happen during story time, play time, dinner time, are the ones that we will most want to remember in the future. These are the types of photos we will return to in the future and remember how it felt to be a parent at that particular stage of life.

Need some ideas for an at-home Storytelling session like this?
How about baking together, playing outside, reading books, playing with toys, bath time, bedtime, waking up, eating a meal together, getting ready for school. Anything you do on a daily or weekly basis works because this type of photo session is meant to capture the everyday moments that make up your life right now.
Are you interested in a session like this?
Click on Contact in the menu above to inquire.